Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Talk Nam to me

At this very moment, it's 4:18 a.m., we're sitting in luxurious Springfield-Branson airport, tending our luggage, updating out-of-office replies, and killing time before our 5:50 flight. The flight that will last for the rest of our lives. 
[I exaggerate when I'm tired.]

It's finally here. We're finally leaving. 
We have so many arts/crafts/kid-o supplies we're practically checking an entire Hobby Lobby.

In preparation for the long trans-globe flight, my iPod is loaded with podcasts from survivalphrases.com.   Vietnamese is not a language for the faint of heart (or cheek muscles. seriously, it's a workout.), it's a tonal language, so meanings are governed by sounds.

Such as:
sharp falling tone with a stop
flat tone
no tone at all
(which to my american ears all sound exactly the same)

I tried them out for the first time while running the other day.  Only felt slightly crazy practicing phrases out loud to myself.  Possibly the most amusing was "please" which sounds a little something like "sin".  
"Sin. Sin. Sin."

I also learned hello, goodbye, and where is the bathroom.  We're set.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! I'm obsessively checking this until I meet up with you...I fear I have missed the establishment of all good phrases and jokes. So save some for later!
