Thursday, September 4, 2008

More Team Awesome

(I'm too excited for the space bar at this time.)

who are you? Hanna Crowe. Sometimes called Hanna Banana
where'd you grow up and where do you call home now?
 I grew up outside of Madison, WI in a small farm community. I moved here to Springfield, MO when I was 19 to finish up my schooling, which now has been going on 7 years of living here. This is my home for right at the moment.
describe your "real world" life: 
I work full time for now and hang out with my friends. I am currently training for another half marathon, I love rock climbing and backpacking and everything that has to do with being outside. I guess you can say that I thrive in the outdoors.
where else have you traveled? 
It's sad to say that this will be my first international trip. I have never gone anywhere exotic or far away.
what are you most looking forward to about the trip? 
The experience that I will be taking from it. I can't wait to soak up the culture and love on the kids. :D
what phrase would like to learn how to say in Vietnamese?  
Where is the bathroom? You could never go wrong with this question... ;D


Who are you?
 Hi, I'm Frank. I'm the dude with the glasses that isn't Brandon. (Thus, better looking.)
Where'd you grow up and where do you call home now?  
I spent the first several years of my life growing up on the island that is long, in New York. After that, we moved to Missouri, and I've been back and forth between Joplin and Springfield ever since.
Describe your "Real World" life:  
Is this about the reality TV show on MTV? I'd like to think that'd I'd be the passive aggressive one. You know, the guy that's nice to everyone, but then goes to the confessional room to complain about how he's the one normal dude on a show with a bunch of the usual yahoos they put on MTV.
If you're talking about what I do from day to day, I'm a graphic designer and illustrator. I do print and web design for clients all over the place, and just this year have started doing editorial illustration for magazines and the such. Oh, and when I'm not doing that, I have a few graphic design classes to teach at Missouri State University.

Sometimes I sleep too!

Where else have you traveled? 
Earlier this summer, I backpacked around Switzerland, Germany and Italy for a couple weeks. I've also been to Mexico, a bunch of US states, and have gotten water up my nose in both the Atlantic and Pacific. Both hurt, really badly. Oh! And I went to the Mudhouse for coffee this morning too.
What are you most looking forward to about the trip?
 Tough to say, because there's so much. Obviously, traveling with friends will be welcome after a couple weeks of traveling solo earlier this summer. Also, it feels good to do good, and birthday parties are a lot of fun. Oh, and I'm kind of anxious to get back on a plane. I love planes. And pretzels. (I'll probably change my mind about the flight thing 7 or 8 hours in.)
What phrase would you learn how to say in Vietnamese?  
Other Vital Info:
(i have to agree. potential disguises:  vital.)

Vietnamese phrases you can practice with your loved ones:
High Five: cao là năm
Where is the Bathroom? ở đâu là buồng tắm?


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