Sunday, September 14, 2008

more from Hoa Mai

Those of us who weren't hard at work on the mural engaged the kids at Hoa Mai in lots of activities:
--drawing and sharing words on the chalkboard
--a game of duck, duck, goose (or, more accurately, cat cat mouse)
--fingernail fun (some kids were way into the nail polish. way way into the nail polish)
--weekend English lessons with a volunteer librarian lady named Xuan
--mad Frisbee skills
--snapping photos (kids are fascinated with cameras and seeing themselves on the screen)

By the end of the day it was raining hard, so the kids settled down to draw with crayons and use some of their new supplies. It felt a little like living in a Crayola commercial.

Coloring is a universal past-time.

Some kids got to play in the rain with the brave souls from Team Awesome who sacrificed dry clothes for huge laughs. One little boy strummed a guitar as the finishing touches were put on the mural, as our little art director kid supervised.

Some photos of the team and the kids, creating and fun-ing:

big glasses

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